Old School RuneScape Wiki
Instruction manual
This quest has a quick guide found here.
It briefly summarises the steps needed to complete the quest.
This article is about the quest. For the dungeon, see Temple of Ikov (dungeon).


Start point Speak to Lucien at the Flying Horse Inn in northwest Ardougne (north of the castle). Speak to Lucien at the Flying Horse Inn in northwest Ardougne (north of the castle).
Official difficulty Experienced
Description None
Length Medium
Items required

Recommended: (Law and air runes for Telekinetic Grab if not planning on banking during the quest)

Do not bring anything unnecessary! (need to have at least 1 inventory space free and a maximum weight of -1 kg)

Enemies to defeat


Beginning the quest[]

Speak to Chat head image of Lucien, File:Lucien chathead Lucien in the Link to Flying Horse Inn Flying Horse Inn in the western part of Link to East Ardougne East Ardougne, and tell him, "That sounds like a laugh." He will give you a Item image of %7B%7B%3Apendant+of+lucien%7D%7D, File:pendant of lucien pendant of lucien. Equip the pendant - as it is required to open a gate in the temple - and bring a Link to Light sources light source (cannot be a lit bug lantern).

On this first trip, you should bring only your Link to Slash weapons slash weapon/Item image of %7B%7B%3Aknife%7D%7D, File:knife knife, light source and pendant. The Link to Temple of Ikov (dungeon) temple is located south of the Link to Ranging Guild Ranging Guild, north of the Ardougne farm and east of the Link to Fishing Guild Fishing Guild; directly west of the Link to Sorcerer's Tower Sorcerer's Tower. Climb down the ladder. (With additional weight reducing items like the graceful outfit, penance gloves, or the spottier cape from the Hunter skill, it's possible to have all of the required quest items in your inventory, removing the need to bank while still being below 0kg weight.)

Once you're inside, if you don't already have Item image of %7B%7B%3Aboots+of+lightness%7D%7D, File:boots of lightness boots of lightness, go through the room (ignore the gates for now), and go down the stairs. It's dark, so you'll need a light source. Go through, slash the web, grab the boots of lightness and equip them. At this point if you weigh more than -1 kg, you may need to bank your items at the Link to Ardougne Ardougne bank (It should be noted that a player easily has enough time to drop their items, complete the task on the other side of the bridge, pass back over it and retrieve their items or drop them and telegrab them from the other side of the bridge when necessary if they do not wish to be restricted) closest to the temple. If you already have weight reducing gear, you can grab the limpwurt roots as well but make sure you're at most -1 kg.

Note: You no longer need a light source or knife once you have the boots of lightness.

The Temple of Ikov[]

Temple of Ikov bridge

The weight bridge.

Equip your Pendant of Lucien and boots of lightness then enter the north gates. You will come to a bridge; you must be below 0 kg to cross! After crossing, open the large door and take the Item image of %7B%7B%3ALever+%28Temple+of+Ikov%29%7D%7D, File:Lever (Temple of Ikov) lever at the south end of the room. Warning: The lever weighs 0.1 kg. This may mean that you become 0kg after picking up the lever. Make sure to check your weight before crossing the bridge again, or you will fall into the lava.

Head back to the dungeon's entrance. On the south-west wall from the ladder is the lever bracket. Use the fragment on the bracket and pull the lever. You can now use the south gate to access the ice chamber.

Warning: If you place the lever but do not pull it and then leave the area, the lever will not be there when you return. You will have to cross the bridge again to collect it.

Temple of Ikov ice arrow chests

Obtaining the ice arrows.

(It is recommended that pures or accounts with low Defence bank before the next part as you will be attacked by level 61 ice spiders. Food or Protect from Melee will help ward off the spiders' attacks.)

Go through the south gate to the ice chamber. Avoid the spiders, and run into the small offshoots of the main cave. Search each chest, one of them will contain 1-5 Ice arrows 1 ice arrows (note, sometimes spam-clicking a chest containing arrows will grant you more). After you take them, they will Link to Spawning respawn randomly in either that chest or any other chest throughout the room, so keep searching until you have 20-30 arrows (or 10-20 if you have Item image of %7B%7B%3AAva%27s+accumulator%7D%7D, File:Ava's accumulator Ava's accumulator). Switching worlds will reset the chests (you must search every chest in order for the respawn to happen). Note that Item image of %7B%7B%3AAva%27s+accumulator%7D%7D, File:Ava's accumulator Ava's accumulator will return ice arrows to your arrow slot.

Fire Warrior of Lesarkus[]

Temple of Ikov fire warrior

Duelling the Fire Warrior of Lesarkus.

Note: If you already have all the necessary items, you don't need to return to the Link to bank bank.

Go to the bank. Grab your best Link to Armour/Ranged armour ranged armour, the Item image of %7B%7B%3Apendant+of+lucien%7D%7D, File:pendant of lucien pendant of lucien, a bow, Ice arrows 1 ice arrows, Item image of %7B%7B%3Alimpwurt+root%7D%7D, File:limpwurt root limpwurt roots and a Item image of %7B%7B%3ABandit%27s+brew%7D%7D, File:Bandit's brew Bandit's brew if you are choosing to Link to Temporary skill boost boost to level 42 Skill icon of Thieving, File:Thieving icon Thieving. When you are ready, go back to the Link to Temple of Ikov (dungeon) temple.

Head through the north gates once again. This time, continue north until you see a small alcove branching off to the north as the path turns west. Go inside the alcove, ignoring the trapdoor, and search the lever for traps (42 Thieving required), then pull it. Go back to the passage heading west, and follow it to a door. Enter it.

Go through the room and attempt to open the door to the north. You will be stopped by the Chat head image of Fire Warrior of Lesarkus, File:Fire Warrior of Lesarkus chathead Fire Warrior of Lesarkus, level 84. He will not attack until you either attack him first or finish dialogue with him. He fights with magic, so use Link to Protect from Magic Protect from Magic. He can only be damaged with ice arrows.

If you take too long to defeat him, he'll tell you to come back when you're stronger and will disappear, and you will have to start the fight again. Once he's dead, go through the next door.

Note: Once you kill the Fire Warrior, he does not need to be fought again.

Talk to Chat head image of Winelda, File:Winelda chathead Winelda the witch. She will teleport you across the stream of lava if you give her 20 unnoted limpwurt roots. Give her the roots and you will cross the lava. (Note: all 20 limpwurt roots must be given at once to continue the quest.)

Remove your pendant of lucien. Go past the skeletons. Once you see the Guardian of Armadyl (male) Guardians of Armadyl, push the wall directly below them to enter the barracks. Talk to them (remember to remove your pendant of lucien first, or else you will be attacked). You'll be given a choice of how you would like to finish the quest. Both choices have the same reward.

Side with the guardians (the good side)[]

Temple of Ikov staff of Armadyl

The Staff of armadyl lying on a table.

Remove your Item image of %7B%7B%3Apendant+of+lucien%7D%7D, File:pendant of lucien pendant of lucien, and talk to a Guardian of Armadyl by telling him that you seek the staff and are working for Chat head image of Lucien, File:Lucien chathead Lucien. Then, tell him that it's time for your yearly bath. They will tell you about their god, Link to Armadyl Armadyl, who is a good god that they claim most Link to Saradomin Saradominists have never heard of because they only believe in three gods. Lucien has been after Armadyl's powerful staff for a long time. Lucien is really an evil Link to Mahjarrat Mahjarrat, a very powerful race that follows Link to Zamorak Zamorak. They will tell you that you must kill Lucien to stop him from coming back. They will give you the Item image of %7B%7B%3AArmadyl+pendant%7D%7D, File:Armadyl pendant Armadyl pendant once you agree to help them. This will prove that Lucien is no longer your friend and will allow you to kill him.

Side with Lucien (the bad side)[]

Try to take the Item image of %7B%7B%3AStaff+of+armadyl%7D%7D, File:Staff of armadyl Staff of armadyl on table, you will have to defeat at least one Guardian of Armadyl (Level 43) to pick up the staff.

Note: Taking the staff whilst the Guardian walks far away from you will result in you taking the staff without being attacked.

Lucien's house[]

To exit, you may teleport out, but it is recommended you take the longer route and obtain the Item image of %7B%7B%3Ashiny+key%7D%7D, File:shiny key shiny key (in case you wish to train Link to combat combat on the monsters here in the future). Leave the treasure room and continue down the path to the south-west, past the level 82 Lesser demon lesser demons, until you find a shiny key. Take it, then backtrack until you find a ladder. Climb up the ladder and out the door to emerge outside Link to McGrubor's Wood McGrubor's Wood.

Make your way to the building just outside the Link to Grand Exchange Grand Exchange western wall. The quickest route would be to take the Link to fairy rings fairy rings (his house is just south of the fairy ring dkr). If you don't yet have access to this either teleport to Link to Edgeville Edgeville and run east across the bridge then south, or teleport to Link to Varrock Varrock then head to the west of the Grand Exchange.

Temple of Ikov - Lucien mind trick

Lucien will use a mind trick on players who aren't wearing the pendant of Armadyl.

If you chose to side with the guardians[]

Enter the house, and put the Item image of %7B%7B%3AArmadyl+pendant%7D%7D, File:Armadyl pendant Armadyl pendant on. Attack Chat head image of Lucien, File:Lucien chathead Lucien (he is level 14). Before you can kill him, he will teleport away, saying you've defeated him... for now. Congratulations, quest complete!

If you chose to side with Lucien[]

Enter the house and deliver the staff to him. Congratulations, quest complete!


Temple of Ikov reward scroll

The quest completion scroll if you sided with Lucien.

Temple of Ikov reward scroll (Armadyl)

The quest completion scroll if you sided with Armadyl.

Required for completing[]


  • Winelda's quote "Bubble bubble, toil and trouble!" is a reference to William Shakespeare's act Macbeth.
  • Talking to Winelda for the first time with the 20 unnoted limpwurt in your inventory will automatically cut to the player telling Winelda that they have the limpwurt for her, despite never being told to get them.
  • Attempting to attack Lucien without the Armadyl pendant equipped will result in him waving his hand across your face, saying that you do not want to attack him and that he is your friend. This is a reference to the "Jedi mind trick" from Star Wars.
