Old School RuneScape Wiki


Abbreviation Meaning
P2P(er) Members (Pay-to-Play)
Pass Password (the word password is censored in-game), Shantay pass, Underground Pass
Pc Pest Control, Private chat, Price check
PC product A pejorative used to refer to players that trained combat through Pest Control.
Pess, Ess Pure essence, rune essence
Ph, Phat


Piling Multiple people attacking the same opponent. With the Evolution of Combat, this is seen more often, and is more deadly.
Pick Pickaxe
PJ Pile jumping. The act of interrupting a player vs player fight by attacking one or both of the players, or attacking the winner of a fight, aiming to get the loot pile.
PJer/PJing Someone who PJs/Going out into the Wilderness specifically to pile jump.
PK, PKer, PKing Player killer/Player killing. Someone who is fighting other players - specifically in the Wilderness or other high risk PvP areas.
Plate/Pl8 Platebody
Pm/PM Private message, Pirate Mine, Player Moderator
Pw/PW Password (the word 'password' is censored in-game)
PMod Player Moderator
POH Player-owned houses
Pot, Pots Potion, Lobster pot. Can also be used to inform other players in a group to drink their potions ("pot up"). There is also an item named pot.
Potter Someone who uses potions to fight, or performs pottery.
Pp Pyramid Plunder, pickpocket
Price Check (Pc) Term used to find the price of the item.
Prod/product Someone that relies on a certain weapon or special attack when Pking/PvPing to defeat their opponent. For example, "AGS prod", or "Turmoil prod". Can also refer to the way someone got quick experience: "PC prod".
Pure Someone who trains only one type of skill; someone who only trains combat skills, or only non-combat skills. See Combat pure, Defence pure, or Skill pure.
Pure set Super Attack and Strength, but no Super Defence. Also refers to a dragonhide armour set minus the body.
Purist A player who plays without trading any player. The only exception to this is in the quests they rely on having two different players complete it (i.e. Heroes' Quest, Shield of Arrav). Also known as "Iron man".
Pray Pot/Ppot Prayer Potion